Business partner codex

I. Introduction

This Business Partner Code is based on the business principles applicable to TAG Group employees. Conduct that complies with all legal requirements and ethical standards forms the basis for interaction within the TAG Group as well as with customers, business partners and other stakeholders. Long-term business relations based on transparency and fairness as well as the observance of mutual contracts and obligations are of crucial importance for the TAG Group’s successful and sustainable business activities. This Business Partner Code sets out the requirements to be observed by business partners for joint activities performed in a spirit of mutual trust in compliance with the relevant legal requirements and ethical standards.

As TAG is committed to respecting and observing human rights (, this Code is also based on the human rights principles and guidelines (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the eight core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation). TAG aligns its business activities accordingly and expects this from its business partners as well.

This Code applies to all business partners and their employees and is a binding component of any business relationship between TAG Group companies based in Germany and their business partners. TAG expects its business partners to conduct themselves in compliance with the law and in an ethically impeccable manner, to observe the principles of cooperation laid down in this Business Partner Code and to work to ensure that these principles are also observed by its own business partners and subcontractors.

TAG reserves the right to adapt and amend this Business Partner Code if necessary. The most recently amended version of the Business Partner Code is published on TAG Immobilien AG’s website at


II. Elements of the Business Partner Code

1. Compliance with legal requirements and ethical standards

Business partners undertake to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including generally applicable social and environmental standards. They ensure that human rights are respected and human dignity upheld.

2. Avoidance of corruption, bribery and money laundering

All statutory requirements for the prevention of money laundering must be observed. TAG does not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery or business conduct liable to give the impression of undue influence or coercion, either on the part of its employees or its business partners.

3. Compliance with antitrust law and the principles of fair competition

Requirements under antitrust and competition law must be complied with. All anti-competitive, abusive and unfair behaviour must be avoided.

4. Workplace safety and health protection, fair treatment of employees and subcontractors

Business partners undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations governing workplace health and safety for the benefit of their employees and to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for them. All staff are employed on equal terms subject to fair working conditions and living wages; all illegal or unethical working conditions (e.g. undeclared employment, violence, forced and child labour) are prohibited, any form of discrimination on the grounds of nationality or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity must be avoided. The statutory provisions and agreements on minimum wages, maximum working hours and vacation leave as well as the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining autonomy of employees and subcontractors are complied with.

5. Sustainability, environmental protection and origin of materials

Business partners undertake to actively contribute to environmental and climate protection, in particular by reducing carbon emissions, using resources such as water and energy sensibly and consciously, avoiding refuse and waste water and protecting flora and fauna, and to apply the most energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and thus sustainable solutions possible in their purchasing activities. The applicable environmental laws must be observed. Steps must be taken to ensure that all goods to be delivered to TAG, such as materials and equipment, have been procured or manufactured in compliance with the applicable legal requirements and subject to human rights due diligence.

6. Data protection, confidentiality and avoidance of conflicts of interest and insider trading

Confidential information and data obtained in connection with the business relationship and joint activities are protected in accordance with the provisions of data protection legislation (German Federal Data Protection Act and EU General Data Protection Regulation) and used exclusively for authorised purposes and subject to mutual agreement. Conflicts of interest must be avoided. Any business and personal relations between employees of the business partner and those of TAG are rendered transparent and must be reported to TAG’s Compliance Office.

The business partner in question undertakes to refrain from trading in any TAG securities if it becomes aware of any information which would be likely to influence an investor’s decision to buy or sell such securities and which is not generally available to investors and the market.


III. Whistleblower system

The TAG Group has a whistleblower system. Business partners and their employees and subcontractors are able to report any compliance breaches and other violations as well as possible infringements of human rights to the Compliance Office of the TAG Group at compliance(at) In addition, they have the option of submitting information – including anonymously – to an external body.

The contact details are available on the TAG Immobilien AG website at All reports are investigated and addressed promptly.


IV. Compliance with the Business Partner Code

Business partners acknowledge this Business Partner Code particularly by means of appropriate contractual agreements and ensure that their employees are aware of and comply with these principles and are committed to ensuring that their subcontractors likewise comply with them.

TAG reserves the right to carry out appropriate checks and inspections of business partners to satisfy itself of their compliance with the Business Partner Code, particularly in the event of any evidence of violations of it.

Any proven violation of this Business Partner Code will not be tolerated and will lead to appropriate sanctions being taken, culminating in the temporary or permanent suspension of the business relationship without prejudice to any other legal remedies, including but not limited to the recovery of damages.


Last revised on 1 December 2022