Key figures

From Erfurt to Rostock, from Duesseldorf to Dresden. The TAG office network provides for comprehensive, decentralised management of TAG residential real estate.

  Total residential units Commercial units (within residential portfolio) Others* Grand total
Units 82,527 984 107 83,618
Floor area sqm 4,871,603 127,243 10,429 5,009,275
IFRS book value in EUR Mio. 5,187.2 - 98.9 5,286.1
Gross yield in % 6.3 - 10.6 6.6
Vacancy 12/31/2024 in % 3.6 13.5 1.0 3.9
Vacancy** 12/31/2023 in % 4.0 14.1 0.9 4.3
Net actual rent EUR/sqm 5.84 9.02 17.55 5.94
Reletting rent EUR/sqm 6.15 - - -
L-f-l rental growth EUR/sqm (y-o-y) % 2.5 - - -
L-f-l rental growth** Total (y-o-y incl. vacancy reduction) % 3.0 - - -
Maintenance EUR/sqm 9.04 - - -
Capex EUR/sqm 16.29 - - -

as of 12/31/2024

* Incl. commercial properties and serviced apartments. The IFRS carrying amount includes project developments of EUR 78.3m

** Incl. effects from vacancy reduction