
Culture, science and quality of life

Dresden is one of the leading business hubs in Germany. Its population is growing, and the purchasing power of its households is on the rise. Factors that boost its attractiveness include the university and in business, the renewable energies sector is a main contributor. The city has become a top location in the areas of microelectronics, nanotechnology, new materials and life sciences. There is now a shortage of apartments in the entire urban area, which is reflected in higher rents.

Units 5,691
Floor area sqm 366,689
IFRS book value 12/31/2024 in EUR m 376.4
Gross yield in % 5.7
Vacancy 12/31/2024 in % 1.1
Vacancy* 12/31/2023 in % 1.2
Net actual rent EUR/sqm 6.29
Reletting rent EUR/sqm 6.48
L-f-I rental-growth EUR/sqm (y-o-y) % 0.9
L-f-I rental-growth total* (y-o-y) % 0.9
Maintenance EUR/sqm 7.04
Capex EUR/sqm 6.64

as of 12/31/2024

* Incl. effects from vacancy reduction