
Important German transportation hub

As the capital of Thuringia, Erfurt offers good infrastructural conditions, which contributes to its attractiveness as a business location, and is home to well-known companies such as Zalando, Siemens and Deutsche Post.

Units 10,189
Floor area sqm 574,955
IFRS book value 12/31/2023 in EUR m 670.2
Gross yield in % 5.7
Vacancy 12/31/2023 in % 0.8
Vacancy* 12/31/2022 in % 0.8
Net actual rent EUR/sqm 5.55
Reletting rent EUR/sqm 5.81
L-f-I rental-growth EUR/sqm (y-o-y) % 2.2
L-f-I rental-growth total* (y-o-y) % 2.2
Maintenance EUR/sqm 7.32
Capex EUR/sqm 14.71

as of 12/31/2023

* Incl. effects from vacancy reduction