
An engine for strong growth

Leipzig, a university and trade fair city in Saxony, is combining a wide range of activities to continually increase the economic efficiency of the city in the medium term. The city’s economic strategy focuses on selected emerging industries: the automotive and supply industries, healthcare and biotechnology, energy and environmental technology, logistics, media, and the creative industries. Economically strong sectors, represented among others by BMW and Porsche in the automotive sector, make the location particularly future-proof. Young people in particular appreciate Leipzig’s appeal.

Units 13,317
Floor area sqm 772,838
IFRS book value 12/31/2023 in EUR m 741.0
Gross yield in % 6.4
Vacancy 12/31/2023 in % 7.7
Vacancy* 12/31/2022 in % 7.7
Net actual rent EUR/sqm 5.53
Reletting rent EUR/sqm 5.79
L-f-I rental-growth EUR/sqm (y-o-y) % 1.6
L-f-I rental-growth total* (y-o-y) % 2.6
Maintenance EUR/sqm 5.91
Capex EUR/sqm 20.99

as of 12/31/2023

* Incl. effects from vacancy reduction